Saturday 30 May 2009

Brighton Pier and Beyond

The days following Chris’ arrival have been slightly mixed; we have spent two days off the water due to not feeling too great.

Bad weather meant we had another two days camping under the pier in Brighton, although I did brave the sea for a play and enjoyed my first take off in the boat landing upside down. Chris seemed to be disappointed when he could not find guys walking the streets of Brighton in cowboy outfits.

The south east coast in not what I would call beautiful, every turn you take you are welcomed by another town and pebbled beach. To be honest the impact human’s have had on the landscape is incredible, out of the 100 or so miles maybe 5% has not been affected by humans.

Even though the landscape hasn’t been that interesting, the people we have both met over the past week have made up for it.

We were accompanied while camping under Brighton Pier by a guy who we nicknamed Gollum from Lord of the Rings, really lovely fella, but not sure how much of what he said was truth. When we left he decided his would walk all the way back to Plymouth.

After leaving Brighton we ended up in Worthing where we met the nicest family I have ever come across, the Buckley family. After we talked about what we were doing they started to explain that five years ago they packed up their jobs bought a big HGV campa and have been travelling around the UK, home schooling their children, living place to place, they were actually a really inspiring family to meet.

Once we had set up camp in Worthing, a bloke walking his dog suggested we could use his shower and wash our clothes. We now know him as Arran the kiwi, he was a diamond of a fella, understanding what it was like to be unwashed for days as he had spent much of his life travelling around the world, both Gollum the Buckley’s and Arran won’t be forgotten in a hurry.

Our next stop was Bognor Regis, the only funny story for this town was Chris ended up having a stone fight with a group of kids who took a liking to Chris’ tent, and please be aware NO KIDS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THAT STORY.

Finally I got the chance to meet Taz John, he has kindly picked us up with our kayaks so we can sort out this blog before we set out for to Cross to the Isle of Wight on Sunday. Hence I am sitting up in front of a computer at four o’clock in the morning. Very worthwhile detour as Sarah cooked a stunning lasagne…yum yum.

Before I forget… cheers Cheryl and Andy for coming to see us today at Bognor Regis, lovely to see you both, cheers for the food.

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